‘Mattei’ cooperation plan with the African continent

The Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, has announced the expansion of the ‘Mattei’ cooperation plan with the African continent, which will include new countries in 2025, including Mauritania.

At a press conference held in Rome on Thursday 09 January, Meloni declared that five new countries would be joining the ‘Mattei’ cooperation plan: in addition to Mauritania, they are Angola, Ghana, Tanzania and Senegal.

Meloni stressed that one of the main challenges facing her government in 2025 will be the expansion of the ‘Mattei’ plan. She has therefore decided to include new countries in this initiative.

The plan, launched at the Italy-Africa summit one year ago, aims to reduce irregular migratory flows to Italy and support development and investment projects in Africa, particularly in the education, training, agriculture, health, water and energy sectors, with an initial budget estimated at 5.5 billion euros.


Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in Rome سفارة الجمهورية الإسلامية الموريتانية في روما

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